Monitoring guides, data hubs, & collaborative platforms workshop – Register NOW!

May 6, 2025

9:00AM – 12:00PM Pacific time

Register HERE!

Exploring the design, methods, and monitoring of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast in the context of a changing climate.

This half-day virtual symposium will bring together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore tools available to restoration practitioners. Presentations and discussion will cover estuary restoration monitoring guidance, compiled data available online for planning restoration, and collaborative platforms to share information, methods, and best practices for effective estuary restoraion. Case studies from throughout the U.S. West Coast will illustrate the practical use of these tools. Participants will also be surveyed to inform development of additional online resources needed by estuary restoration practitioners. There is no cost to register.

For agendas, speaker spotlights, and more information, visit the Promoting Effective Estuary Restoration project page HERE.

Blue Carbon and Fish Habitat Restoration Symposium – Register NOW!

March 4, 2024

9:30AM – 12:30PM Pacific time

Register HERE.

Exploring the design, methods, and monitoring of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast in the context of a changing climate.

This half-day virtual symposium will bring together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore the integrating:

Blue Carbon and Fish Habitat Restoration

The symposium is designed to support estuary restoration practitioners and will include opportunities to share techniques, ask questions, and build a community of practice.

For agendas, speaker spotlights, and more information, visit the Promoting Effective Estuary Restoration project page HERE.

Effective Estuary Restoration Symposium

March 12, 2024

Register HERE.

Exploring the design, methods, and monitoring of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast in the context of a changing climate.

This one day virtual symposium will bring together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore effective estuary restoration topics.

This is the first of three annual symposiums that will explore a wide range of pressing topics in estuary restoration including:

  • Design considerations and restoration methods
  • Climate change and estuary restoration
  • Monitoring estuary restoration
  • Documenting estuary restoration

The symposiums are designed to support estuary restoration practitioners and will include opportunities to share techniques, ask questions, and build a community of practice.

Registration is now open! Register HERE.

PMEP hosts Estuary Restoration & Mapping session at Oregon AFS Meeting

Join PMEP for an in-depth look at estuary restoration and mapping along the US West Coast at the 2021 Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society 57th Annual Meeting to be held March 3-5, 2021. PMEP’s session will happen on Wednesday, March 3 and will include presentations ranging from estuary mapping, to climate change considerations, salmon resiliency, and restoration case studies. Find the full schedule HERE. Register for the conference at

Barriers to Tidal Connectivity Symposium draws hundreds of participants

Barriers to tidal connectivity are of major concern to the three Fish Habitat Partnerships (FHPs) that work to improve, restore and conserve fish habitats along the US West Coast. The negative impacts of these barriers include (but are not limited to) impeding fish passage,  sediment processes interference,  water quality degradation, and alterations of the array of fish habitats within estuaries. The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP), the California Fish Passage Forum (CFPF), and the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (PLCI) are collaborating on a project to identify science and data gaps associated with barriers along the coast, and to identify actions they can take individually and collaboratively to drive lasting solutions to the negative impacts of these barriers on fish and fish habitats.

With generous funding from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the collaborating FHPs recently held a Barriers to Tidal Connectivity Symposium. The one-day symposium brought together experts in the field to explore:

• History of tidal barriers in the US West Coast
• Functional impacts of barriers to tidal connectivity
• Fish passage needs
• Tidegate effectiveness
• Climate change and tidal barriers
• Tidal barrier datasets

More than 300 people attended the Symposium.

You can find more information about the Symposium, including the agenda, recorded presentations and the list of speakers HERE.