PMEP Estuary Explorer and Estuary Viewer Data Tools Training

PMEP and the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (SSNERR) are teaming up again to host the second training session for the PMEP Estuary Viewer and Estuary Explorer online mapping tools on April 5th and 6th. This training will be held from 10 am to 12 pm over two days, with a $10 registration fee. Participants must be able to attend both days.

In the training, you will learn how to use tools that have been developed for scientists and managers to provide easy access to compiled geographic and biophysical information on estuaries and coastal fish habitats of California, Oregon, and Washington.

By the end of the four-hour training, participants will be able to explore and filter estuary data on regional and local scales for conservation and restoration planning and management purposes, learn how to effectively use the compiled data in both tools and how to download available datasets, upload personal data sets, or data from outside of PMEP, and customize their queries and data overlays.

For more information and to sign up, click here!  

Native Lamprey Species Report

PMEP, the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative, and the California Fish Passage Forum just published a new report, Barriers to tidal connectivity for native lamprey species, which documents what we know about lamprey species and how they interact with barriers to tidal connectivity. The report was commissioned in 2019 to fill data gaps identified at the October 2019 Barriers to Tidal Connectivity Workshop. The report was written by Dave Ward of Fish Forward.

Check out the report here!  

PMEP Extended deadline for project proposals for FY2023 funding

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership has extended the deadline for submitting proposals for funding for fish habitat restoration and protection projects for its FY2023 funding cycle. PMEP will award an estimated $100,000-$350,000 in 2023 for projects that advance its mission.

Please access the full Request for Proposal (RFP) and application instructions HERE.

The deadline for proposals is now 5PM PST February 28, 2022.