Irma Lagomarsino, NOAA Fisheries, joins PMEP Steering Committee

We want to give a warm welcome to our newest PMEP steering committee member, Irma Lagomarsino! Irma is a Senior Policy Advisor for the Oregon/Washington Coastal Office of NOAA Fisheries in Portland, Oregon, helping to build strategic collaborative solutions for salmon recovery with a particular emphasis in western Oregon. Previously, Irma served as the Assistant Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries California Coastal Office and as the Northern California Office Supervisor where she oversaw Endangered Species Act programs for listed salmon and steelhead. In 2014, Irma received the Bureau of Reclamation’s John W. Keys, III Award for Building Partnerships and Strengthening Relationships for her collaborative work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Reclamation. As a key leader for NOAA Fisheries, she helped forage the precedent-setting Klamath Agreements with agricultural, tribal and fishing communities, conservation organizations, states and other federal agencies. With 30 years of experience in the public sector, Irma focuses on building effective partnerships across-sectors to find innovative approaches for advancing the conservation of NOAA trust resources while supporting sustainable land use and communities. A native of California, she received her B.S. Degree in Marine Biology at the University of California at Berkeley and a M.S. Degree in Marine Environmental Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

PMEP hosts Estuary Restoration & Mapping session at Oregon AFS Meeting

Join PMEP for an in-depth look at estuary restoration and mapping along the US West Coast at the 2021 Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society 57th Annual Meeting to be held March 3-5, 2021. PMEP’s session will happen on Wednesday, March 3 and will include presentations ranging from estuary mapping, to climate change considerations, salmon resiliency, and restoration case studies. Find the full schedule HERE. Register for the conference at

Stan Allen elected to the Board of Directors of the National Fish Habitat Partnership

Congratulations to PMEP Steering Committee member Stan Allen, who was recently elected to the newly reformed Board of Directors of the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP)! Stan, who works for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, will be representing the Marine Fisheries Commissions/Councils on the NFHP board. Stan was a long-time member of the previous NFHP Board of Directors and has been instrumental in ensuring that NFHP achieves its goals of restoring and conserving fish habitat nationally. Congratulations, Stan!

About the National Fish Habitat Partnership:

Since 2006, the National Fish Habitat Partnership has supported over 1,030 projects benefiting fish habitat in all 50 states. The National Fish Habitat Partnership works to conserve fish habitat nationwide, leveraging federal, state, tribal, and private funding resources to achieve the greatest effect on fish populations through priority conservation projects of 20 regionally-based Fish Habitat Partnerships. In 2020, the National Fish Habitat Partnership was recognized by Congress as part of the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act. For more information, visit