May 6, 2025
9:00AM – 12:00PM Pacific time
Register HERE!
Exploring the design, methods, and monitoring of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast in the context of a changing climate.
This half-day virtual symposium will bring together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore tools available to restoration practitioners. Presentations and discussion will cover estuary restoration monitoring guidance, compiled data available online for planning restoration, and collaborative platforms to share information, methods, and best practices for effective estuary restoraion. Case studies from throughout the U.S. West Coast will illustrate the practical use of these tools. Participants will also be surveyed to inform development of additional online resources needed by estuary restoration practitioners. There is no cost to register.
For agendas, speaker spotlights, and more information, visit the Promoting Effective Estuary Restoration project page HERE.