2024 PEER Symposium

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The First Effective Estuary Restoration Symposium, March 12, 2024. This one day virtual symposium brought together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore effective estuary restoration topics. This was the first of three annual symposiums that will explore a wide range of pressing topics in estuary restoration including: Design considerations and restoration methods Climate change and estuary restoration Monitoring estuary restoration Documenting estuary restoration The symposiums are designed to support estuary restoration practitioners and will include opportunities to share techniques, ask questions, and build a community of practice.

Evolution of Estuary Restoration along the U.S. West Coast

Dr. Josh Collins, San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) and Aquatic Science Center (retired)

Designing for Climate Resilience in a California Coastal Salt Marsh

Monique Fountain, Director of the Tidal Wetland Program at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

Restoration Monitoring Approaches: Lessons From California

Dr. Eric Stein, Biology Department Head at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project

 Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program (CEERP) in Oregon and Washington States

Jason Karnezis, Estuary Lead, Bonneville Power Administration, Fish and Wildlife Department

What does Restoration Success Look Like?

Dr. Scott Heppell, Professor, Oregon State University Department of Fisheries Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Using monitoring to assess restoration functions and ecosystem services: an example from Nisqually River Delta, WA

Isa Woo, Biologist, USGS Western Ecological Research Center